Thursday, January 18, 2007

LandRover SAS Unit

Another OLS bit of work for college, this time I changed my normal LandRover into this nutter of a thing. With two 50cals I wouldn't want to get in its way lol.

Top 50cal can of course move in all the way round, with the back one able to add more fire power to the back.

Its still WIP due to me wanting to tweak a few things before texture.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Normal Mapping Test_Stuka

Ignore UV errors! Or look away from them lol.

This is just a normal map test, I was playing around with the plugin for PS and found it a nice tool. This was a rush job, I didn't work on each layer I worked on it as a flattened piece of work etc.

Expect alot better in the near future, but hey least im learning some more industry stuff lol.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Something abit, new'ish.

So boys and girls, im going to be a Dad XD Did ya see that one coming? didn't think so.

Found out 2 weeks before Christmas, but we're telling people from now. So, the joys of worrying about money and being in full time education >.> I hope I can find a full time studio job soonish.

Name change to Daddy Danny maybe? lol.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

First Texture

Well being up till half 5 can do some good it would seem, I took the chance to texture my Stuka model and here it is.

I might change some areas once I learn normal mapping, which is next on my list.

This is for college btw, next i'll be texturing more models this way and geting normal maps on them.

Im bloody happy with this texture so far.